A Narcissistic Love Story Feb 14, 2023

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Many contemporary stories echo ancient tales and hold resonance today. In "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone", Dumbledore finds Harry transfixed...

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Why embracing uncertainty is the key to change Feb 13, 2023
I love this quote from theoretical physicist, Richard Feynman.
In my work with people who experience long-standing challenges in their relationships with...
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Making friends with your anger Feb 08, 2023

Anger is often a good indicator that we, or someone we care about, is suffering the effects of something we consider to be unjust. This can lead us to ruminate, feel physically wound up and tense...

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Why you should treat yourself as you would treat a good friend Feb 07, 2023

When things are difficult or challenging, it can be easy to turn the blame on yourself and fall into a spiral of harsh self-criticism.
How do you talk to your friends if they are...
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Self-esteem vrs self-compassion Feb 06, 2023

Pursuing self-esteem can be a slippery slope; one minute you feel confident and successful, the next you could be crushed because of a mistake or failure. This kind of fluctuation in self-esteem...
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Derek Walcott, Love after Love Feb 03, 2023

Many people I work with find literature and poetry to be gentle friends and companions as they navigate complex, hurtful and sometimes abusive relationships. Part of the magic of poetry is that it...

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Having compassion for "narcissists" Jan 31, 2023
From the outside, "narcissists" can appear to be all confidence and bravado, but beneath this mask lies a powerful river of insecurity...
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Making peace with your inner critic Jan 30, 2023

Our inner critics can be harsh and unyielding in the criticism, demands and guilt that they heap on us. This can result in us being afraid to try anything new for fear of failure, seeing...
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Being hospitable to all our emotions Jan 22, 2023


This beautiful and well-known poem by Rumi is a beautiful reminder that our feelings, even our most difficult ones, need care and attention. We often want to shy away from unpleasant,...
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People pleasing versus assertive communication Jan 11, 2023

Most of us could benefit from developing more assertive communication skills, but we might fear doing so in case we end up offending other people. Most of us people please to some extent. Perhaps...

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Fierce and tender self-compassion Jan 09, 2023

We often think of self-compassion as being soft, tender and comforting. Indeed, it can be all those things. It can also be strong, fierce and protective. When someone we care about is in grave...

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A psychologist's perspective on Mary Oliver's 'The Journey' Jan 06, 2023

Many people I work with find literature and poetry to be gentle friends and companions as they navigate complex, hurtful and sometimes abusive relationships. Part of the magic of poetry is that...

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