The problem with labels
Feb 20, 2023Narcissist? Empath? Healthy? Toxic?
We have all been labelled in some way or another at some point in our lives. But the truth is that each one of us has a unique tory to tell, and no label can do it justice. We are more than just a "narcissist" or an "empath"; labels like these can be unhelpful and unintentionally dehumanising, whether used to refer to ourselves or someone else.
Diagnoses can be helpful when they help guide people towards understanding and effective treatments. Still, whatever the diagnosis (if any) may be, they can only ever be the title of a story, not a plotline.
We need to understand the human stories and experiences behind labels, our strengths and our weaknesses, our light and our darkness with acceptance and compassion. Understanding ourselves and the people around us can facilitate deeper empathy and compassion both for ourselves and for other people.
In doing so, we are able to form relationships and see others as they truly are rather than as simplified stereotypes. We can meet ourselves and others in all of our complexities, in our moments of strength and courage, and in those moments when hurt or pain arise.
What labels do you give yourself or someone else that might benefit from more of a plotline? What would you like to understand more about yourself, someone else or your relationships?
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