Making friends with your anger

Feb 08, 2023

Anger is often a good indicator that we, or someone we care about, is suffering the effects of something we consider to be unjust. This can lead us to ruminate, feel physically wound up and tense and in some situations, even become aggressive.

We might also consider anger to be an unhealthy emotion that ought to be suppressed. In trying to ingore or escape our anger, we often leave the suffering and hurt we have experienced in the shadows of our hearts. There is an alternative. If we can slow down and listen, anger can lead us towards the hurt and the wounds we need to attend to with compassion and gentleness.

Like a beacon guiding us through the darkness, anger has much to teach us about what we truly need. Ignored and suppressed, it can become a source of distress, yet when we allow ourselves to explore the depths within and acknowledge what lays hidden, it can guide us back towards ourselves with tenderness and care. Anger is not something to fear, but rather an essential part of understanding who we are and how to nurture and care for ourselves in exactly the ways we most need.

#selfcompassion #fierceselfcompassion #selfcompassionforanger #recoveryafterabuse#angry #feelyourfeelings #emotionalabuse #howtocontrolanger #frustration #angerissues #forgiveness #guilt #healthyboundaries #compassionateanger #codependency #healthyadult #angrychild #angryprotector #schemamodes #schematherapy 



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