Taking play seriously

Dec 30, 2022

In my work, I find it essential to work with people struggling with narcissism to learn to relax, be creative, and have fun without having to be extraordinary or achieve. People who have been in difficult relationships with critical, demanding or abusive others also need the space for creativity, fun and connection that play offers.

When children play, they can be bold, exploratory and often quite risk-taking. They try out new things and take on new roles. They can also experience relaxation, soothing and contentment in quiet play. Play can feel risky when we anticipate rejection, being mocked or being criticised.

As adults, our need for play does not diminish. Play remains an essential part of our mental and emotional wellbeing, no matter what age we are. It helps us to relax, be creative, have adventures and experience fun without having to be extraordinary or to achieve anything. Play can help us reconnect with ourselves and unlock creativity and light-heartedness. Play with friends or a partner can also be a great way to experience closeness, connection and joy with each other. However, play can feel risky when we anticipate rejection, being mocked or being criticised. Or it can feel unimportant and frivolous if we have a high level of demands on us or place a high level of demand on ourselves. 

We may need to intentionally make time and space to play and recognise that whatever age we are, we need play. How do you play? What kind of play do you need?

#play #happychild #schematherapy #schematherapymodes #narcissism #narcissisticpersonalitydisorder #recoveryafterabuse



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