Radical acceptance of offensive behaviour
Oct 30, 2023
One of the biggest misunderstandings I see of the concept of "radical acceptance" is that it means accepting abusive situations or situations in which we are getting hurt.
Radical acceptance doesn't mean liking, agreeing or condoning. Rather it is an insistence on seeing reality as it is, rather than blinding ourselves to hurtful, painful and abusive behaviour that we might be receiving, or that we may be engaging in towards other people.
Acceptance, is a real opportunity to make commitment to act with wisdom and compassion and move towards freedom from harmful actions. For some that may mean a decision to assert some healthy limits on behaviours that we will tolerate. For others, it may mean putting distance into a relationship or ending a romantic relationship. For some it may mean deciding not to be in contact with someone. For some, it may mean accepting our own behaviours have been deeply offensive and hurtful to others, not so we can engage in self-punishment but so we can apologise and commit ourselves to change.
#radicalacceptance #acceptance #realitychecking #selfcompassion #compassionaterelationships
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